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Economic success is the basic prerequisite for sustainability. It provides the necessary freedom of action to be able to integrate ecological and social factors. Economic success can contribute to the development of the economy in general, for example through job creation and by supporting a sustainable and future-proof energy supply.
Sport-Thieme’s understanding of responsible management is also reflected in our pursuit of earning reasonable returns to protect jobs, and to maintain corporate independence. We see internationalisation as an opportunity to improve global living standards and working conditions through our business dealings and our products in a responsible and sustainable manner. Sport-Thieme GmbH’s current turnover is €63,000,000. Our company is therefore one of the most important employers in the Helmstedt county.
In 2016, we paid corporation tax totalling €215,785.36 to the borough of Grasleben. This equates to more than 21 per cent of the total amount of corporation tax paid to the municipality of Grasleben.
We are aware of our economic significance and responsibility, especially for our county. For example, Sport-Thieme supports cultural and social projects in the region. When selecting our employees, suppliers and subcontractors, we favour candidates from the region, whilst taking into account the needs of the company.
A quarter of our total of 2,602 German service providers and suppliers have their headquarters within a maximum 125-km radius. We have had good experiences with the 530 local companies that we currently work with, and are continuing to look for reliable partners from the region.